Saturday, October 1, 2011


            Clip: The book conquers without persuading, it shakes you without exaggerating, a perfect work of art and at the same time truth that cannot be doubted. End Clip (2).  Clip: All Quiet on the Western Front…was a book written to reflect the human cost of war.  It shows us how war was a hidden face that most people do not see until it is too late…The major theme of the novel is that war must be avoided at all costs because of the severe consequences that will arise. End Clip (1).  Most people believe, along with myself, that the book portrays an honest account of what happened behind the lines during WWI, which we, the allies, might have not ever heard about without a book such as All Quiet on the Western Front.  The book describes WWI in a vivid nonglorious way.  It shows Clip: all the aspects of trench warfare- -the excitement, the tedium, the horror, the pain, the fear, the hunger, the dirt, the loss, the sense of alienation, the awareness that you may die any minute, and last but not least, the realization of the futility of it all. End Clip (3).  Clip: Remarque is questioning war and he’s questioning authority.  Clearly what can be found in any situation-good or bad-is the importance of the brotherhood of man and comradeship. End Clip (4).  Friendship prevails throughout the book even through the tough times.  Everyone thinks that this book is one of the greatest antiwar books ever made, it shows war without deception, it shows ways in which humanity can be attained even through such horrors. 
(1)—A-Book-Review&id=84991  (10/1/11)
(2) (10/1/11)
(3) (10/1/11)
(4) (10/1/11)

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